Arai launch DNA Centres

Arai in the UK has been going through somewhat of an upheaval of late, but now with the Arai launch of its DNA centres, things look to be back on track.

Arai went awry when its long time UK distributor, Phoenix, dropped all its motorcycle business and the Arai experience at a shop went pear shaped. The brand was picked up by MotoDirect who has invested heavily in the brand and come up with the DNA Dealer concept. What this means to the customer is that a DNA dealer will have at least one specially trained helmet technician to make sure you get the best fit from your Arai.

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There’s no new helmets as of yet to go and gawp over, but the current crop is all rather special and can be seen at the Whyarai website. And if you’ve got no clue as to what we’re on about, check out this feature we wrote about the man behind the brand. Just click on the image below.

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